Knowing her husband to have sexual fantasies with other women makes you angry? Or rather, you feel guilty for ever have a dream to make love with another man. Do not worry, according to the study, sexual fantasies do not always dangerous.
Quoted from Fox News, as much as 80 percent of men also admitted she never imagined someone who is not a partner during lovemaking. But not to panic, because, according to Emily Nagoski, sex expert, fantasizing can help your spouse also find a need and the things that make other meningkat.Fakta sexual desire that is not less comforting, fantasy only increase one's passion. But the achievement of one's sexual satisfaction is due to a feeling of comfort during lovemaking with their loved ones. In other words, fantasies and feelings of your partner during sexual intercourse with you at all unrelated.
Instead go Emily, who berlebihanlah jealousy that makes closeness you and your partner become tenuous. Sexual life became a mess, not even the satisfaction you can get.
Emily suggested, rather than maintaining a sense of jealousy, just that you and your partner have to do is to share stories about your fantasy. Let your partner know what you desire, and vice versa. Share the fantasy will make your sexual life more 'hot' and fun
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